Supporters & Signatories

Crypto Climate Accord Signatories are crypto market participants that make a public commitment to achieve net-zero emissions from electricity consumption associated with all of their respective crypto-related operations by 2030 and to report progress toward this net-zero emissions target using the best industry practices. All Signatories also serve in the role of being a Supporter.



More than 200 companies and individuals spanning the crypto and finance, technology, NGO, and energy and climate sectors have joined the Crypto Climate Accord as Supporters. Our Supporters approve of the Accord’s objectives and are involved with helping advise, develop, and scale solutions in support of the CCA. Becoming a CCA Supporter does not verify that a Supporter organization has already decarbonized. The CCA is also supported by the UNFCCC Climate Champions. CCA Signatories are crypto market participants that make a public commitment (additional to their role as Supporter) to achieve net-zero emissions from electricity consumption associated with all of their respective crypto-related operations by 2030 and to report progress toward this net-zero emissions target using the best industry practices.
More than 150 companies and individuals spanning the crypto and finance, technology, NGO, and energy and climate sectors have joined the Crypto Climate Accord as Supporters. Our Supporters approve of the Accord’s objectives and are involved with helping advise, develop, and scale solutions in support of the CCA. Becoming a CCA Supporter does not verify that a Supporter organization has already decarbonized. The CCA is also supported by the UNFCCC Climate Champions. CCA Signatories are crypto market participants that make a public commitment (additional to their role as Supporter) to achieve net-zero emissions from electricity consumption associated with all of their respective crypto-related operations by 2030 and to report progress toward this net-zero emissions target using the best industry practices.
Bee Green

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Join us in the effort to decarbonize the crypto industry—and the world’s energy system.
Crypto Climate Accord: Inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement, the Accord is a private sector-led initiative for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency industry in record time.
© 2021 Crypto Climate Accord All Rights Reserved.